Adult Child still living at home?

• Is your adult child moving back home? Has he or she never left?
• Has your adult child become a burdensome freeloader?
• Did your empty nest suddenly turn into a crowded nest?
Tough economic times and soaring divorce rates can only mean one thing for middle-aged parents with adult children: Don't change that extra room into a sewing room or "man-cave" quite yet! Your boomerang kid just might be back!
Boomerang Kids
The term "boomerang kids" is commonly used to describe young adults who live briefly on their own before ultimately returning home to live with their parents again. Often times, these adult children are forced to move back home because of financial issues or because of sudden lifestyle changes such as a divorce, addiction, unemployment, or some other unexpected circumstance.
Most boomerang kids are responsible and eager to get back out on their own after a short stint at home... however, if the parents of these adult children aren't careful, then their so-called "boomerang kid" can easily transform into a burdensome "freeloading kid!"
The decision to allow a boomerang kid back into the home is a challenging one for the parents of these adult children. Family relationships are tested, financial obligations often increase, and household dynamics are certainly affected. These inevitable changes can (and often do) lead to heated arguments and bitter conflict if not addressed properly.
That's where the Boomerang Kids Contract comes in...
The Contract
Our BOOMERANG KIDS CONTRACT is specifically designed to help parents who are struggling with the added challenge associated with having their adult children living at home. Whether perceived as "boomerang kids" or as "freeloaders", these kids need to know what is expected of them while they are living under their parents' roof... and our pre-written boomerang kids contract does that.
This contract will help parents to establish the rules, expectations, and obligations that go along with the privilege of living at home as an adult.
The Boomerang Kids Contract covers such topics as:​​
- Guests
Responsibilities / Chores
Financial Obligations / Expenses
Use of Shared Resources
Substance Use / Smoking
Vehicle Usage more!
This customizable contract will be sent to you in Word format immediately after purchase. It can also be modified as needed to meet your particular needs... simply add or delete whatever you want!
The Benefits
With our Boomerang Kids Contract (or "Contract for Adult Child Living at Home"), you'll be on your way to eliminating all those grey areas that so often result in unnecessary and preventable arguments.
You'll also be able to...
• Minimize conflict and promote responsibility.
• Establish a home environment that is structured.
• Make it clear to your adult child that he or she is not going to get a "free ride."
• Create a household which has clear expectations and well-established boundaries.
• Make your adult child feel like a productive member of the family.
Please give us a try... you'll be glad you did!
Why use an agreement or contract with your adult child? Won't it just cause more conflict?
Actually, a well-written and mutually agreed-upon contract will do the opposite! A signed agreement means less arguing, less headaches, and more accountability on the part of the adult child moving home. Limits are set and expectations are clear. There is little room for error and even less room for conflict. If your child refuses to follow the conditions set forth in the contract then he or she is free to move back out on his or her own... simple as that.
Living at home as an adult is a privilege, not a right!
Adult children living at home should realize that this living arrangement is indeed a privilege... and a temporary one at that! Parents do not deserve to be taken advantage of and our contract will help make sure that this doesn't happen.